NORMAL USE: 12V lead-acid (3-240Ah) and 12.8V/13.2V LiFePO4 (2-120Ah). 3 Selections: Select a charge mode for 12V lead-acid OR 12.8V LiFePO4, or select PowerSupply mode for battery support during vehicle diagnostics, tuning or troubleshooting. Automatic fast battery activation: flashing green test light indicates battery is healthy and sufficiently charged. Smart recovery mode for deep discharged batteries, a bad battery is quickly identified, a good battery receives charge is retested after.
Pushbutton activated BMS reset for LiFePO4 batteries. Test indication for GOOD (80 to 100%), OK (60 to 80%) and BAD (below 60%) batteries. Powersupply mode provides constant power for vehicle tuning, diagnostics and troubleshooting.